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Computer Science Africa
We make
We make

accessible to all high school students.

We are a placeholder Africa's Innovators!

our mission

We are on a mission to providing equality of access to computer science and digital literacy for the 21st Century to all high school students most especially girls. Digital literacy is so important for today’s world, and the sooner students learn even the smallest amount of coding, the best!

"If you can program a computer, you can achieve your dreams. A computer doesn't care about your family background, your gender, just that you know how to code. But we're only teaching it in a small handful of schools, why?"

~ Dick Costolo - CEO, Twitter

Our Manifesto
We’re big fans of active learning rather than passive learning.

CSAfrica uses a continuously evolving, democratically conceived and a complex of details Curriculum and hands-on approach to learning. Students learn by doing in a fail-safe environment, but also learn real-world skills through collaboration, peerlearning, peer-correcting and annual hackathons.

CSAfrica is based on

Project-based Learning

Learning comes through structured projects and challenges

Peer-to-peer Correction

Students learn from each other, debate and analyze other's code.


Our curriculum has levels, points and a build-in motivation system.


CSAfrica equips high school students how to solve meaningful problems through Creative Thinking and Computer Science. Our free continuously evolving and democratically conceived Curriculum introduce students to Creative thinking, Computer Programming, Robotics and IoT to enable them design solutions (powered by AI, ML, AR, VR, etc) to problems in their communities and our Mother Africa at large

See how it works

"By learning to create technology, girls learn to speak up..."

~ Rigina Agyare


We bridge the gender gap in STEM by putting girls first and majority in each club we initiate and hence contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is GOAL 4 (Quality Education) and GOAL 5 (Gender Equality). We also put much attention on girls schools and make them be tech creators rather than utilisers to enable them speak up.

Can you help us reach a Girls High School?

Send us a mail

Can you help us reach a Girls High School?👩‍💻

Send us a mail
As a non-profit we're supported by grants, donations, and volunteers to teach students and teachers.

If you're not a potential student, you can still help by connecting us with a forward thinking company or foundation we should work with, introducing us to schools and young people who are curious about tech, share🤳 what we're doing with the world (by clicking on the share button at the left buttom corner of the page), or volunteering as a trainer, content creator or to capture📷 our amazing🤩 moments!

Join the revolution!

We have embarked on one of the most exciting adventures for the universe and the future of our Country and Africa. W e're looking for talented and passionate people to sail with us!

Join us